
Welcome to LEO2, POS software that can be tailored to any retail business.

Leo2 screenRestaurant, cafeteria, bakery, flower shop, hair salon, day spa, neighbourhood grocery… Our business is your business. Specialized in POS system and business management software, LEO2 software was created in 2006. Easy, intuitive and efficient POS management: LEO22 quickly became a best seller. Today, more than 15 000 businesses are running more smoothly thanks to LEO2.

What about you ?

According to our users, LEO2 beats the competition:
-    Easier to use (edit a menu, change a price)
-    Faster check-out
-    Wide range of features that can be tailored to customers’ needs,
-    Reliability (sturdy when the rush is on)
-    Fast upgrades and fully customisable (reactive, intuitive, dynamic, a true partner)
-    A dedicated support staff that listens, is available and solves issues quickly.

What makes LEO 2 great?

> Discover LEO2 POS software for restaurant, cafe and bar
> Discover LEO2 POS software for bakery
> Discover LEO2 POS software for florist
> Discover LEO2 POS software for hair salon and beauty Spa. for hair salon and beauty Spa
> Discover LEO2 POS software for corner grocery shops, cheese shops, butcher shops, fish markets and all the others retails businesses.

Want to know more about our products? Download our brochures. Or contact us.


Restaurant owner, backer, neighbourhood grocer, butcher, florist…

Find out what LEO2 can do for you


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LEO2 for restaurants: the perfect service
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Bakery: LEO2 register software and change machine
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LEO2 , POS system for any retail business
video5 200
LEO2, the ideal grocery shop manager


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